Congresso SONO 2022

Dados do Trabalho


Improve prevention and care of sleep disorders in Brazil to reduce premature deaths by noncommunicable diseases


The association between sleep disorders (SD) and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is well established. Most SD are NCDs themselves and risk factors for prevalent NCDs, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and mental health disorders. Our alliance was founded in 2017 to foster partnerships between the public, private and not-for-profit sectors to fight the NCDs.


Promote awareness and opportunities for intersectoral planning of programs and policies to prevent, diagnose and treat SD and, this way: a) in short-term, have more people diagnosed, treated and experiencing higher life quality; b) mid-term, improve clinical outcomes of SD and of NCDs that are associated to them; c) long-term, reduce premature mortality from NCDs and improve mental health and well-being, aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 (SDG 3.4).


The main methods that we have used to facilitate progress in the topic are: a) disseminate updated information and best-practices through its multiple channels and external media; b) participate in public consultations; c) share calls for submissions of effective models; and d) facilitate meetings with key institutions from multiple sectors to plan together policies and programs to improve SD prevention, diagnosis and care.


The first interactive event about SD was held on May 6th 2022, with 116 attendees and panelists from the following sectors: 8% not-for-profit organizations (civil and medical entities), 14% academia, 16% public health sector, 23% private health sector, 39% private health industries. Preliminary data from the Hermes Project were presented, emphasizing the limitations of SD care in Brazil, from the low number of centers and specialists to timing for diagnosis and treatment - such as up to 30 months for a polysomnographic exam. The model with at-home diagnosis of OSA and other SD, followed by treatment with CPAP when appropriate, through Araguari’s Primary Healthcare was applauded and seen as a model to be scaled to other municipalities. Attendees also shared other local experiences - including several barriers - to implement sleep clinics.


We will continue fostering such debates and opportunities to improve attention to SD in Brazil. Among the goals are establishing a National Line of Care to SD and, this way, benefit broad NCDs prevention and care, leading to reduction of premature deaths.

Palavras -chave

noncommunicable diseases, diabetes, obesity, sleep disorders, sleep apnea


Relato de Caso


Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS) - São Paulo - Brasil, Fórum Intersetorial para Combate às DCNTs no Brasil (FórumDCNTs) - São Paulo - Brasil, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil


Mark T. U. Barone, Pedro Ripoli, Matheus Chaluppe